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Notes for Writing about Literature- Chapter. 12

Notes for Writing about Literature- Chapter. 12

Q After reading these sections, make a list of 5-8 bullet points of important ways to make sure you have a good literary analysis essay. Study the sample analysis in 12.14 carefully. Link: Writing and Critical Thinking through Literature (Links to an external site.) Chapter 12: 12.1: What does my professor want? 12.6: Literary Thesis Statements 12.7: Essay as Argument 12.10: Literary Analysis Essay 12.14: Sample Student Analysis Chapter 13.1-13.6

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12.1 What your professor wants: • The argument should not be rehearsed which is already drafted based on the topic. • It should be written based on the close reading of the text • The argument has to be established with evidence • Organization of the paper has to be sound enough. It has to be detail oriented • There should not be any argument inferred in the paper which is not clearly understood.